Happy Epiphany!

Epiphany: a manifestation, a showing forth

Epiphany is where “O Come Let Us Adore Him” becomes “Go Tell It on the Mountain.” In Advent we spin inward in an effort to make room for Jesus’ coming. At Christmas we celebrate the beautiful and scandalous birth of Jesus. And in Epiphany we are sent out with the light, to be a light. 

In Epiphany we’re reminded of the star that guided the Magi to Jesus—a twinkling light shining in the darkness, revealing hope and joy. But the story of Epiphany isn’t just about one brilliant star; it’s about all the brilliant stars waiting to be noticed. It’s about how the littlest dim light still dances in the darkness. 

Our theme for this season, "Little Lights Everywhere," invites us to pay attention and notice the small ways God’s light shines in and through us and sometimes even despite us.  These little lights might look like an act of kindness, a word of encouragement, or a moment of courage in the face of fear. They’re often quiet, unassuming, and easily overlooked—but together, they illuminate the world with hope and love. And we get to notice them.

Epiphany invites us in to notice all the “Little Lights Everywhere.”