Water (and snacks and supplies!) for our neighbors

The outdoor pantry is running a bit low; can you help to restock? Wipes, ponchos, tooth care, and snacks are going really fast. Bring items by any time! It's located in front of the office. Thanks.

A general list of ideas for items is below. Patricia and Tanima would also appreciate more help changing out the ice and restocking water bottles each morning. Let Patricia know if you can take on one day a week.

Drink Cooler (Styrofoam): Water bottles, gatorade, capri sun, anything you can put on ice

Snack Cooler (Brown Cooler): Granola bars, fruit cups, fruit/applesauce pouch, fruit w/ peel, protein bars, dried fruit, graham crackers, peanut butter, instant coffee packets,

Pantry (bookshelf): canned food (with tab is best), first aid supplies, new underwear, new socks, wipes, poncho, surgical/M95/KN95/etc. masks, tampons/pads, pet food, toothbrush, toothpaste, instant hot/cold packs, Emergen-C packets, salt/sugar/pepper packets, plastic fork/knife/spoon,

Do: individually wrapped, easy to prepare/store, easy to open/close

Don’t: bulk items (i.e. a loaf of bread or bag of lentils), unwrapped intimates like underwear or socks, destroyed unwanted items