Holy Week happenings
Y'all. As we enter this Holy Week. I am grateful that we are on this journey together. It has been an important season in the life of our faith. Friends, there are many ways to connect in this week. Here are a few out of the ordinary opportunities this week to pay attention to.
Maundy Thursday
April 1 - Join us for worship and supper together. 6:30 on zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89645869151
Good Friday/Silent Saturday Stations:
April 2 & 3 - Come to campus, wearing your mask, observing social distance CDC guidelines and follow the stations. 8am-7pm Friday and Saturday
April 4 - 6am Sunrise, 10am Outdoor Worship and 10am Online Worship. Please let us know your Easter intent by Tuesday March 30 Let us know by filling out this survey
We got this y'all!